Got Strategy? Acts of Intervention

Rivera-DI-Strategy-InterventionThere are over two hundred methods of nonviolent action. Gene Sharp categorized them into three major groups: acts of protest and persuasion, acts of noncooperation, and acts of intervention.

Acts of intervention literally interrupt business-as-usual and disrupt the functioning of systems. Usually (though not always) these types of nonviolent actions involve people physically putting their bodies on the line. These types of actions include blockades, occupations, sit-ins, mill-ins, over-loading of facilities and/or administrative offices, guerrilla theater that disrupts meetings or normal procedures, obstructions, nonviolent raids and invasions, establishing new social patterns, stay-in strikes, defiance of blockades, establishing parallel or alternative governments or institutions, whistle-blowing, and more.

Along with acts of noncooperation, these types of nonviolent action can be quite powerful in making change. They often re-arrange normal systems to such a degree that your opposition has to change their stance. Sometimes, this means conceding to the demands of the movement. However, other times, the opposition will respond with increased repression (violent, legal, monetary, social or political, or other). Be aware of this as you plan your actions. Does your movement have the strength to maintain the action and withstand repression? What might your movement need to do in preparation?


What is The Dandelion Insurrection? It’s a novel about a nonviolent movement for change in “a time that looms around the corner of today”, set in a (slightly) fictionalized United States to oust a not-so-hidden corporate dictatorship. Read the book, live the story.

You can find the book here:

Not a fan of mega-corporations? You can also get a copy here:



ARivera New Hatuthor/Activist Rivera Sun, syndicated by PeaceVoice, is the author of The Dandelion Insurrection, Billionaire Buddha and Steam Drills, Treadmills, and Shooting Stars, the cohost of Love (and Revolution) Radio, and the cofounder of the Love-In-Action Network. She is a trainer and social media coordinator for Campaign Nonviolence and Pace e Bene. Sun attended the James Lawson Institute on Strategic Nonviolent Resistance in 2014 and her essays on social justice movements appear in Truthout and Popular Resistance.

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